Ring, ring, ring
My social responsibility phone has been ringing a lot lately. Who knew I was so popular?
Today I went to see Michael Moore’s Sicko and now I am watching Live Earth. A pretty uplifting Saturday, hun.
I begin with Sicko.
It is hard to watch people in pain. And unless the leaders in Washington begin to hear to US people speak (and we have to speak) nothing will be done. I have never wanted to live anywhere other than the United States so much before.
I highly suggest everyone go see the movie. If you see one Michael Moore film in your live, this will be the easiest to get through. Yes, it starts with someone stitching up his own laceration (thank you Grey’s Anatomy for teaching me that word). But once you get past that there is much less gore.
And now for a lot of Gore, Al that is. By chance I watched An Inconvenient Truth the other week. The documentary left me enraged, depressed, and at a loss of what to do. (And that was just because of the election jokes). But seriously now. I felt like that this problem has snowballed into an inescapable future. And the fact that our government leaders are not interested in addressing ways to make a larger change.
But now I am watching Live Earth. I am being treated to performances from artists I am too cheap to buy a ticket to attend one of their regular concerts (Madonna because I can’t afford it and Phil Collins because it isn’t worth the money). In addition, I am given simple things that I can do to reduce my carbon emissions. In some ways I am kicking the rest of the world’s butt: Whoopie is telling me to take public transportation once a week instead of drive. I wish I could do that! The only time I don’t take public transportation is when I catch the heel toe express.
Reuse plastic bags
Change your light bulbs to the small florescent ones
Unplug charges when the are not charging
Oh yeah – recycle, stupid!
Just do it. I am going to try. Sign the 7 Point Pledge – and keep it.
http://liveearthpledge.org/msn.php - live earth 7 Point Pledge